Uses of Class

Packages that use DataTable

Uses of DataTable in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls with parameters of type DataTable
 void CheckBoxList.setSelection(DataTable dataTable, int colID)
          Sets an item as selected using the DB ID instead of the index

Uses of DataTable in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels

Subclasses of DataTable in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels
 class AppendedUIDataTable
          A class used to append Some Columns to an existing data Table for display purposes.
 class ComboBoxDataModel
          This class is an implementation of the ComboBoxModel, that also supports (extends) DataTable.
 class TreeDataModel
          This class is an implementation of the TreeModel, that also supports (extends) DataTable.
 class UICheckList
          This class holds a DataModel used in CheckBoxList, the data is retrieved from a DataTable.
 class UIDataTable
          This class extends the DataTable class to be able to display its contents in a proper way through a JTable, this class is used as a DataModel for the JTable.
 class UIListModel
          A Data Model Class used with JLists, it also extends DataTable.

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels declared as DataTable
protected  DataTable TreeDataModel.childrenDataTable
          The DataTable of the last level of the tree.
protected  DataTable UIListEditableModel.dataTable
          The DataTable that initilize the value of List.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels that return DataTable
 DataTable UIListEditableModel.getDataTable()
          Retrives dataTable that formed the model.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels with parameters of type DataTable
 void UIListEditableModel.setDataTable(DataTable dt)
          update dataTable that formed the model.
 void CheckNodeModel.setSelection(DataTable permissionDT)

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels with parameters of type DataTable
AppendedUIDataTable(DataTable dataTable)
          Default constructor, calls super constructor.
AppendedUIDataTable(DataTable dataTable, int colID)
          Constructor, calls super constructor.
CheckNodeModel(DataTable dataTable)
ComboBoxDataModel(DataTable dataTable, int colID, int colVisible)
TreeDataModel(java.lang.String rootName, DataTable dataTable, int colID, int colVisible, java.lang.String childrenSP)
UICheckList(DataTable dataTable, int colID, int colVisible)
UICheckList(DataTable dataTable, int colID, int colVisible, int colSelected)
UIDataTable(DataTable dataTable)
UIDataTable(DataTable dataTable, int colID)
UIListEditableModel(DataTable dataTable, int colID, int colVisible)
          Constructor (1).
UIListModel(DataTable dataTable, int colID, int colVisible)
          Constructor (1).

Uses of DataTable in org.bibalex.daf.entities

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities with parameters of type DataTable
 void Collection.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable table)
          Adjust the values of the Collection Object given a DataTable.
private  boolean InCharge.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable dataTable)
          Sets the InCharge values in the super class.
 void JobType.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable table)
private  boolean Owner.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable dataTable)
          Sets the Owner values in the super class.
private  boolean Project.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable dataTable)
          Sets the Project values in the super class.
 void Role.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable table)
 void User.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable table)
 void WorkStation.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable table)

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.entities with parameters of type DataTable
Collection(DataTable table)
          Constructor, creates a new Collection Object using the Collection DataTable without hitting the database.
JobType(DataTable table)
Role(DataTable table)
User(DataTable table)
WorkStation(DataTable table)

Uses of DataTable in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job declared as DataTable
private  DataTable TransitionInfo.transactionLogRow

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job that return DataTable
 DataTable TransitionInfo.getTransactionLogRow()
          Gets the status associated with the last status data of the job.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job with parameters of type DataTable
 void Job.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable table)
          Uses the given DataTable to set the fields.

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job with parameters of type DataTable
Job(DataTable table)
          Creates a new instance of Job.

Uses of DataTable in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase with parameters of type DataTable
 void Phase.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable table)
          Uses the given DataTable to set the fields.

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase with parameters of type DataTable
Phase(DataTable table)
          Creates a new instance of Phase.
This constructor fills all the fields from the DataTable.
Remarks: Fields that correspond to null database columns are left to default values, i.e.

Uses of DataTable in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler that return DataTable
 DataTable DataTable.getRow(int index)
          Retrieves the row from the dataTable for the selected index
 DataTable DataTable.setArchivingMatrix(DataTable dataTable, DataTable columnDataTable)
 DataTable DataTable.setDynamicTable(DataTable dataTable, DataTable columnDataTable, int[] usersIDs, java.lang.String[] usersNames)

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler with parameters of type DataTable
 void DataTable.addRow(DataTable row)
          Adds a data table row to the table.
 void DataTable.addRowAt(DataTable row, int index)
          Adds a row to the table with index.
static void DataTable.ExportToExcel(DataTable model)
          Exports the table to excel sheet
 DataTable DataTable.setArchivingMatrix(DataTable dataTable, DataTable columnDataTable)
 DataTable DataTable.setDynamicTable(DataTable dataTable, DataTable columnDataTable, int[] usersIDs, java.lang.String[] usersNames)

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler with parameters of type DataTable
DataTable(DataTable dataTable)
          Copy Constructor

Uses of DataTable in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler declared as DataTable
private  DataTable FileLevelInfoEditor.transactionLogRow
private  DataTable FileLevelInfoViewer.transactionLogRow

Uses of DataTable in org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin with parameters of type DataTable
 void ExternalID.setFieldsFromDataTable(DataTable table)
          Uses the given DataTable to set the fields.

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin with parameters of type DataTable
ExternalID(DataTable table)
          Creates a new instance of ExternalID.
This constructor fills all the fields from the DataTable.
PreAssignDialog.AvailableUsersComboBoxes(DataTable dataTable, int phaseIDCol, int jobTypeID)
PreAssignDialog.AvailableUsersComboBoxes(DataTable dataTable, int phaseIDCol, int jobTypeID, java.lang.Object[] phaseUserPreAssignedEntries)

Uses of DataTable in

Methods in that return DataTable
private  DataTable RateReportGUI.constructExpandedTable(DataTable columnDataTable)
private  DataTable RateReportGUI.constructRateTable(DataTable columnDataTable)

Methods in with parameters of type DataTable
private  DataTable RateReportGUI.constructExpandedTable(DataTable columnDataTable)
private  DataTable RateReportGUI.constructRateTable(DataTable columnDataTable)
private  java.lang.Object[] RateReportGUI.getExpandedRow(DataTable allDt, DataTable redoDt, DataTable columnDataTable, int userID, java.lang.String userName)
private  java.lang.Object[] RateReportGUI.getRow(DataTable dt, DataTable columnDataTable, int userID, java.lang.String userName)
private  void JobHistory.replaceStatusDataWithComment(DataTable table)
          Replaces the value of the StatusData with the comment.