Package org.bibalex.daf.entities.job

Class Summary
ChangingTypeState This class contains the logic necessary to change the type of the job.
CheckingInState This class contains the logic necessary to check in the job.
DownloadingState This class contains the logic necessary to download the job.
FinishingState This class contains the logic necessary to finish the job.
Job Handles the job related tasks such as starting and finishing a job
JobState Represents the state of the job.
Direct known sub classes are:
CheckingInState, StartingState, FinishingState, RedirectingState, RejectingState, UploadingState, DownloadingState and ChangingJobTypeState.
RedirectingState This class contains the logic necessary to redirect the job.
RejectingState This class contains the logic necessary to reject the job.
StartingState This class contains the logic necessary to start the job.
TransitionInfo This class calculates the information necessary for completing job transition.
The information can be accessed via getters.
Some information, FtpHandler and Phase, can be reset in order to calculate them again.
UploadingState This class contains the logic necessary to upload the job.

Enum Summary
Job.JobOldOrNew Enumerator lists the possible states of the Job in the system.