Adds the version suffix to the job folder, that is; it renames the job folder.
This method logs any errors that might happen.
This method sets the localPath to the job_version folder at working directory.
addWithID() -
Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.Job
Adds this instance to the Job table With a given ID.
Applies the actions associated with the backup phase.
The backup phase responsibility is to do the following:
1) Copy the entire job folder form the production server to the working directory.
2) Create metadata files for the job.
3) Zip each folder and calculate the size of the job.
4) Calculate the version of the job = number of backup entries in the TransactionLog table.
5) Copy the job to the backup server.
When overridden in a derived class, it compares the physical folder structure
againts the folder defined in the physical section of the phase Xml definition.
Note: The method receives 6 parameters 3 of them are alternate parameters.
The reason behind alternate parameters is to compare PrePhase files with PostPhase files.
Applies the actions associated with the backup phase.
The backup phase responsibility is to do the following:
1) Copy the entire job folder form the production server to the working directory.
2) Create metadata files for the job.
3) Zip each folder and calculate the size of the job.
4) Calculate the version of the job = number of backup entries in the TransactionLog table.
5) Copy the job to the backup server.
Copyright (c) 2006-2007 by Bibliotheca Alexandrina
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This dialog displays the Available Jobs in the System that the current Logged in User and work on,
Some of them are assigned to him (higher priority), others he is able to do them.