A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbbLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.GeneralSettingsGUI
abbreviation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.CollectionEntities
AbbTextField - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.GeneralSettingsGUI
AbbTextField is a text field shows the abbreviation of selectd element
aboutMenuItem - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.MainControllerGUI
abreviationLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
abreviationTextField - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
accept(File, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler.OnlyExt
ActionContext - Enum in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase
Defines the context of the action.
ActionContext() - Constructor for enum org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.ActionContext
actionListener - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls.CheckBoxList
The action listener instance.
actionListener - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.LoginDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls.DateChooser
Called when the "Ok" button is pressed.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.DatabaseDataEntryDialog.ApproveAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.DatabaseDataEntryDialog.CancelAction
actions - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.PhaseActionPerformer
Holds the actions to be performed in order.
activeOnlyLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.RateReportGUI
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.AdminModuleBase
add new record
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.Batch
Add new Batch
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.Collection
Add new collection
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.Job
Adds this instance to the Job table.
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.JobCondition
Add new JobCondition
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.JobType
Add new JobType
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.Phase
Adds this instance to the Phase table.
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.Role
Add new Role
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.User
Add new User
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
Add new WS
add(FileLevelInfo) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler.FileLevelInfoHandler
Adds the given to the set of information.
add() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.ExternalID
Adds this entry to the database.
Note: The date is ignored while adding as the underlying stored procedure uses Now() for the date.
addAction(PhaseAction) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.PhaseActionPerformer
Adds an action to the list of actions associated with this instance.
addAllButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
addAllButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
adds availaible items.
addButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler.FileLevelInfoEditor
addButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.ExternalIDsEditor
addButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.NewJobGUI
addChild(PhysicalElement) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.FolderElement
Adds the given element to the list of sub-elements.
addChildren(Node) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.FolderElement
Adds the children of the given node to the list of children of this element.
addChoice(String, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
The @param label will be used for the button and the
addChoice(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
A convenience method that assumes the command is the same as the label.
addColumn(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.AppendedUIDataTable
Appends a column to the Table Model.
addElement(int, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.UIListEditableModel
Adds a new element to the List.
addElement(int, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.UIListModel
Adds an element to the list.
addElementAt(int, int, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.UIListEditableModel
Adds a new element to the List at a specific index location.
addJob() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.NewJobGUI
Adds the job to the database.
addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.ComboBoxDataModel
Adds a ListDataListener.
addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.UIListModel
(not implemented)
addMedia(int, int, int) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.Job
Add the job to Job_Media table
addMultilineString(String, Container) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
AddObserver(Observer) - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler.FileHandlerFTPImpl
Static method allowing assigning some observers to the FTPFileHandler before object's initialization.
AddObserver(Observer) - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler.FTPFileHandler
Static method allowing assigning some observers before object's initialization.
addPhaseButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.PhasesManagerGUI
addPhaseButton is the button to add phase from avilable phases list to assigned phases list
addPhaseButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
addPhaseButton used to add phase to assigned phases list
addPhaseButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
addPhaseButton used to add phase to assigned phases list
addPreAssignedObservers() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler.FTPFileHandler
Adds the pre-Assigned observers to the current object.
address - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler.ServerDef
The 'IP' property of the server.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler.DataTable
Adds a row to the table.
addRow(DataTable) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler.DataTable
Adds a data table row to the table.
addRow() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler.FileLevelInfoEditor
Adds a default row to the JTable.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.installer.DataTable
Adds a row to the table.
addRow(DataTable) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.installer.DataTable
Adds a data table row to the table.
addRow() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.ExternalIDsEditor
Adds a default row to the JTable.
addRowAt(DataTable, int) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler.DataTable
Adds a row to the table with index.
addRowAt(Object[], int) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler.DataTable
Adds a row to the table with index.
addRowAt(DataTable, int) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.installer.DataTable
Adds a row to the table with index.
addRowAt(Object[], int) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.installer.DataTable
Adds a row to the table with index.
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.TreeDataModel
(not implemented)
addUserButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
addVersionSuffixToJobFolder() - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.reflectioncalls.BackupPhase
Adds the version suffix to the job folder, that is; it renames the job folder.
This method logs any errors that might happen.
This method sets the localPath to the job_version folder at working directory.
addWithID() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.Job
Adds this instance to the Job table With a given ID.
adjustAccordingToLastTransactionLog() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.ChangeJobTypeDialog
Adjusts the values of the selected ComboBoxes according to the selected Job last User and Phase.
adjustControls() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.JobMetaData
adjusts the text displayed on the controls.
adjustCurrentCollectionWorkstations() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
Adjsut current Collection workstations
adjustCurrentJobTypeMediaTypes() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.JobTypesManagerGUI
This method marks the assigned media types to the selected WS
adjustCurrentJobTypeMediaTypes() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
This method marks the assigned media types to the selected WS
adjustCurrentRolePermissions() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.RolesManagerGUI
Adjust Current Role Permissions in the availablePrivelegesCheckList
adjustCurrentWorkstationDevices() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
This method marks the assigned devices to the selected WS
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
Adjusts the details panel (fields) with the current selected collection
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.GeneralSettingsGUI
Adjusts the details panel (fields) with the current selected collection
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.JobTypesManagerGUI
Extract the data of the selected JobType and fill up the correspondence fileds
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.PhasesManagerGUI
Extract the data of the selected phase and fill up the correspondence fileds
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.ReasonGUI
Extract the data of the selected JobType and fill up the correspondence fileds
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.RolesManagerGUI
Adjusts details Panel values according to the currently selected Role
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
Extract the data of the selected WS and fill up the correspondence fileds
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
Extract the data of the selected WS and fill up the correspondence fileds
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.BatchManagerGUI
adjustDetailsPanel() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalManagerGUI
Adjusts details Panel values according to the currently selected Role
adjustJobsCheckList() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchiverManagerGUI
This method adjusts the ready to archive check list
adjustRelation(CheckBoxList, int, String, boolean) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.AdvancedSearchGUI
Selects or deselects all elements belongs to ID
adjustRelation(CheckBoxList, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.AdvancedSearchGUI
Selects or deselects all elements belongs to ID
adjustRemainigFiles(String, StatusDef) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalManager
Removes the extra files if exists.
adminConnectionString - Static variable in class org.bibalex.daf.installer.Install
AdminManager - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin
AdminManager() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.AdminManager
adminManager - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.AdminManagerGUI
AdminManager.AdminManagers - Enum in org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin
AdminManager.AdminManagers() - Constructor for enum org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.AdminManager.AdminManagers
AdminManagerGUI - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin
AdminManagerGUI() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.AdminManagerGUI
This is the default constructor
adminManagerGUI - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.MainControllerGUI
adminMenuItem - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.MainControllerGUI
AdminModuleBase - Class in org.bibalex.daf.entities
This class considered as the parent of all entities it containes the basic 3 methods related to any entity 2 other methods are assumed to be
AdminModuleBase() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.entities.AdminModuleBase
adminName - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.ldaphandler.LDAPHandler
authenticated user who can explore the system users
adminPassword - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.ldaphandler.LDAPHandler
tha admin user password
AdvancedSearchGUI - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin
This class gives the user ability to form advanced and detailed query.
AdvancedSearchGUI() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.AdvancedSearchGUI
advancedSearchGUI - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.CheckInManagerGUI
allHaveDifferentTypes(ExternalID[]) - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.ExternalIDsUtilities
Determines whether all the items in the given have different external ID type.
allJobCountLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchiverManagerGUI
allowNoData - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.ExternalIDsEditor
allRetrievalPlugins - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalManagerGUI
retrieval plugins is an array that stores all the current plugins, this array is to be of type RetrievalPlugin.
AndOrCollectionComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalSearchDialog
AndOrCollectionComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.SearchGUI
AndOrCollectionComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportBuilder
AndORCollOwnerComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportBuilder
AndOrCreatorComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalSearchDialog
AndOrCreatorComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.SearchGUI
AndOrExtIDComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalSearchDialog
AndOrExtIDComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.SearchGUI
AndOrExtTypeComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalSearchDialog
AndOrExtTypeComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.SearchGUI
AndOrjobIDComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalSearchDialog
AndOrjobIDComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.SearchGUI
AndOrJobTypeComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalSearchDialog
AndOrJobTypeComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.SearchGUI
AndOrJobTypeComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportBuilder
AndOrLangComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalSearchDialog
AndOrLangComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.SearchGUI
AndOrLangComboBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportBuilder
anyPhaseCheckBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
anyPhaseCheckBox is check box indicates if the selected User can work on any phase or not
anyPhaseCheckBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
anyPhaseCheckBox is check box indicates if the selected WS can work on any phase or not
anyPhaseLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
anyPhaseLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
anyPhaseLabel shows the title of anyPhaseCheckBox
anyUserCheckBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
anyWorkstationCheckBox - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
appendedColumns - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.AppendedUIDataTable
Maintains the appended Columns, each Column is and ArrayList of Objects.
appendedColumnsNames - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.AppendedUIDataTable
Maintains the appended Columns Names.
AppendedUIDataTable - Class in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels
A class used to append Some Columns to an existing data Table for display purposes.
AppendedUIDataTable(DataTable) - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.AppendedUIDataTable
Default constructor, calls super constructor.
AppendedUIDataTable(DataTable, int) - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.AppendedUIDataTable
Constructor, calls super constructor.
appendMessage(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalProgressDialog
Adds this message to the History and displays the message as Current State
applyAction() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.DatabaseAction
Applies the action.
applyAction() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.MockPhaseAction
applyAction() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.MockPhaseAction_1
applyAction() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.PhaseAction
When overridden in a derived class, applies the action associated with phase.
applyAction() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.PhysicalAction
Applies the action.
applyAction() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.ReflectionAction
Applies the action.
The action is calling a static method with a single int parameter.
applyActions(ActionContext, Job, FileHandler, String, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.Phase
Applies the pre-phase or post-phase actions as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition.
applyBackupActions(int) - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.reflectioncalls.BackupPhase
Applies the actions associated with the backup phase.
The backup phase responsibility is to do the following:
1) Copy the entire job folder form the production server to the working directory.
2) Create metadata files for the job.
3) Zip each folder and calculate the size of the job.
4) Calculate the version of the job = number of backup entries in the TransactionLog table.
5) Copy the job to the backup server.
applyChecks(PhysicalDef, String, FileHandler, PhysicalDef, String, FileHandler) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.CheckStrategy
When overridden in a derived class, it compares the physical folder structure againts the folder defined in the physical section of the phase Xml definition.
Note: The method receives 6 parameters 3 of them are alternate parameters.
The reason behind alternate parameters is to compare PrePhase files with PostPhase files.
applyChecks(ActionContext, FileHandler, String, ActionContext, FileHandler, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.Phase
Applies pre-phase or post-phase checks as defined in the physical section of the phase definition.
applyChecks(PhysicalDef, String, FileHandler, PhysicalDef, String, FileHandler) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.StepThroughCheckStrategy
Compares the folder structure against the given definition.
applyPostPhaseActions(Job, FileHandler, String, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.Phase
Applies the post-phase checks as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition.
applyPostPhaseChecks(String, FileHandler, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.Phase
Applies the post-phase checks as defined in the physical section of the phase definition.
applyPrePhaseActions(Job, FileHandler, String, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.Phase
Applies the pre-phase checks as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition.
applyPrePhaseChecks(String, FileHandler, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase.Phase
Applies the pre-phase checks as defined in the physical section of the phase definition.
applyQuickBackupActions(int) - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.reflectioncalls.BackupPhase
Applies the actions associated with the backup phase.
The backup phase responsibility is to do the following:
1) Copy the entire job folder form the production server to the working directory.
2) Create metadata files for the job.
3) Zip each folder and calculate the size of the job.
4) Calculate the version of the job = number of backup entries in the TransactionLog table.
5) Copy the job to the backup server.
approveButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.PendingJobsGUI
approveButton confirms user suggestion regarding a pending job
ArchivedANDActiveGUI - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive
This class shows up the jobs that are archived but not checked out from the system (Active job).
ArchivedANDActiveGUI() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivedANDActiveGUI
ArchivedANDActiveGUI() is the class constructor, it initializes the GUI and variables
archivedANDActiveGUI - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivingManagerGUI
Archive and Actibe Jobs Tab private attribute.
ArchivedANDActiveGUI.ActiveArchive - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive
ArchivedANDActiveGUI.ActiveArchive() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivedANDActiveGUI.ActiveArchive
archivedANDActiveLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivedANDActiveGUI
archivedANDActiveScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivedANDActiveGUI
archivedANDActiveScrollPane is JScrollPane holds archivedANDActiveTable table
archivedANDActiveScrollPane() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivedANDActiveGUI
This method initializes archivedANDActiveScrollPane
archivedANDActiveTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivedANDActiveGUI
archivedANDActiveTable is SortableTable holds jobs which are archive but not checekd out
ArchivedJobTest - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive
Copyright (c) 2006-2007 by Bibliotheca Alexandrina This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
ArchivedJobTest() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivedJobTest
ArchiverManagerGUI - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive
This class manages the archiving operation over the finished jobs.
ArchiverManagerGUI() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchiverManagerGUI
ArchiverManagerGUI is the class constructor, it initializes the GUI and variables
archiverManagerGUI - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivingManagerGUI
Archiver Tab private attribute.
ArchiverManagerGUI.Archiver - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive
This thread carries out downloading jobs folders and forming medias
ArchiverManagerGUI.Archiver() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchiverManagerGUI.Archiver
ArchivingHistoryMatrix - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive
ArchivingHistoryMatrix class shows the history of job archive, it shows media IDs for each version ex; v1 CD10 Tape05 v2 CD100 v3 Tape10.
ArchivingHistoryMatrix(int) - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivingHistoryMatrix
ArchivingHistoryMatrix() is the class constructor, it initializes the GUI and variables
archivingHistoryMatrix - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivingHistoryMatrix
archivingHistoryMatrix represents the current instance of the dialog
ArchivingManagerGUI - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive
Base UI class for the Archiving Module It maintains the different Archiving tabs.
ArchivingManagerGUI() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchivingManagerGUI
This is the default constructor
archivingManagerGUI - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.MainControllerGUI
archivingMenuItem - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.MainControllerGUI
areValuesPresent(ExternalID[]) - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.ExternalIDsUtilities
Determines whether all the items has values associated with them.
argList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchiverManagerGUI.Archiver
arguments - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportData
ASCENDING - Static variable in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.datamodels.TableSorter
Constant indicating that the sorting is ascending.
ask(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
One of the "ask" methods must be the last call when using a MessageBox.
askOkay(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Same as ask(String message) except adds an "Okay" button.
askOkCancel(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Same as ask(String message) except adds "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons.
askYesNo(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Same as ask(String message) except adds "Yes" and "No" buttons.
askYesNoCancel(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Same as ask(String message) except adds "Yes", "No" and "Cancel" buttons.
askYesNoRetry(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Same as ask(String message) except adds "Yes", "No" and "Retry" buttons.
assign - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.ChangingTypeState
assign(int, int, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.Job
Assign the specified phase for this Job to the given User.
assignButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.PreAssignDialog
assignButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportData
assignButton assigns a job
AssignDelete(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler.FTPThread
Prepares the thread for executing a delete operation.
assignedPhasesLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
assignedPhasesLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
assignedPhasesLabel shows the title of assignedPhases list
assignedPhasesList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.PhasesManagerGUI
assignedPhasesList holds assigned Phases List for the selected job type
assignedPhasesList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
assignedPhasesList shows up the phases already assigned to the selected User
assignedPhasesList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
assignedPhasesList shows up the phases already assigned to the selected WS
AssignedPhasesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.PhasesManagerGUI
AssignedPhasesScrollPane is the container of Assigned Phases List
assignedPhasesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
assignedPhasesScrollPane is the container of assignedPhasesList
assignedPhasesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
assignedPhasesScrollPane is the container of AvailablePhasesScrollPane
assignedRoleLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
assignedSequenceLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.PhasesManagerGUI
assignFromScratch(int, int, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.Job
Assign the job from scratch.
AssignGet(String, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler.FTPThread
Prepares the thread for executing a get operation.
assignInDatabase(String, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.Job
Assign the job.
assignJobPanel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.NewJobGUI
assignJobTo(Job, int, int, int) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalCommandLine
Assigns and uploads the given Job to the listed phase and user.
assignJobTo(Job, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalManager
Assigns and uploads the given Job to the listed phase and user.
assignJobTypeID - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.ChangingTypeState
assignPhaseID - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.ChangingTypeState
AssignPut(String, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler.FTPThread
Prepares the thread for executing a put operation.
assignRestricetd(int, int) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.Job
Assign the specified phase for this Job to the given User.
assignRetrievedJob() - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalManagerGUI
Assigns the retrieved Job or Changes its Job Type.
assignUserID - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.ChangingTypeState
attachedGeneralList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.GeneralSettingsGUI
attachedGeneralList conatines element of selected setting
attachedUsersLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
attachedUsersList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
attachedUsersScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
attributesCheckList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportBuilder
attributesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportBuilder
AttrLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportBuilder
authenticateUser(String, char[]) - Method in interface org.bibalex.daf.managers.LoginDialog.ILoginActionListener
Authenticate the user with the given userName and password
authenticateUser(String, String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.MainController
Authenticates a user using a Username and Password.
availableArchivesLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalManagerGUI
availableArchivesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalManagerGUI
availableArchivesTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.RetrievalManagerGUI
availableBatchLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.BatchManagerGUI
availableBatchList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.BatchManagerGUI
availableBatchScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.BatchManagerGUI
availableCollectionLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.BatchManagerGUI
availableCollectionList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.BatchManagerGUI
availableCollectionScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.BatchManagerGUI
availableCollectionsLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
availableCollectionsLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.GeneralSettingsGUI
availableCollectionsScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
availableCollectionsTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
availableJobsActionListener - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.AvailableJobsDialog
AvailableJobsDialog - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase
This dialog displays the Available Jobs in the System that the current Logged in User and work on, Some of them are assigned to him (higher priority), others he is able to do them.
AvailableJobsDialog() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.AvailableJobsDialog
availableJobsDialog - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.AvailableJobsDialog
AvailableJobsDialog.IAvailableJobsActionListener - Interface in org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase
Interface class to declare that a job was selected.
availableJobsLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.AvailableJobsDialog
availableJobsPopupMenu - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.AvailableJobsDialog
availableJobsScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.AvailableJobsDialog
availableJobsTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.AvailableJobsDialog
availableJobTypesLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.JobTypesManagerGUI
availableJobTypesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.JobTypesManagerGUI
availableJobTypesScrollPane is the container Pane for available JobType table
availableJobTypesTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.JobTypesManagerGUI
availableJobTypesTable is the table that shows up the system JobTypes
availablePhasesLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.PhasesManagerGUI
availablePhasesLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
availablePhasesLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
availablePhasesLabel shows the title of availablePhases tree
availablePhasesList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.PhasesManagerGUI
availablePhasesList holds available Phases List for the selected job type
AvailablePhasesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.PhasesManagerGUI
AvailablePhasesScrollPane is the container of Available Phases List
AvailablePhasesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
AvailablePhasesScrollPane is the container of availablePhasesTree
AvailablePhasesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
AvailablePhasesScrollPane is the container of AvailablePhasesTree
availablePhasesTree - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
availablePhasesTree conatines system job types associated with their phases
availablePhasesTree - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
availablePhasesTree conatines system job types associated with their phases
availablePrivelegesCheckList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.RolesManagerGUI
availablePrivelegesLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.RolesManagerGUI
availablePrivelegesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.RolesManagerGUI
availableReasonsLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.ReasonGUI
availableReasonsScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.ReasonGUI
availableReasonsScrollPane is the container Pane for available reasons table
availableReasonsTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.ReasonGUI
availableJobTypesTable is the table that shows up the system JobTypes
availableRolesLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.RolesManagerGUI
availableRolesList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.RolesManagerGUI
availableRolesScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.RolesManagerGUI
availableSettingScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.GeneralSettingsGUI
availableSettingScrollPane is the container of attachedGeneralList
availableUsersComboBoxes - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin.PreAssignDialog
availableUsersLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
availableUsersLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
availableUsersScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
availableUsersScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
availableUsersScrollPane is the container Pane for available Users table
availableUsersTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.UsersManagerGUI
availableUsersTable is the table that shows up the system Users
availableUsersTree - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
availableWSLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
availableWSLabel shows the title of Available WS table
availableWSScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
availableWSScrollPane is the container Pane for available WS table
availableWSTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
availableWSTable is the table that shows up the system WSs

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