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warn(Object) - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.logmanager.LogManager
Writes the given message as a category 'Warn' message.
warnedMkDir - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.compressionhandler.UnZipper
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.xmlhandler.SchemaValidator.Validator
WEEK_DAYS_FOREGROUND - Static variable in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls.DateChooser
Text color of the days of the weeks, used as column headers in the calendar.
WIDTH - Static variable in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.Constants
The Window Width.
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Empty Implementation
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Empty Implementation
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Empty Implementation
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Empty Implementation
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Empty Implementation
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.commongui.MessageBox
Empty Implementation
workFlowButton - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.WorkFlowGUI
workFlowButton gets workflow report
workFlowGUI - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.ReportingManagerGUI
Instance of the Work Flow Panel.
WorkFlowGUI - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.report
This class enavle the user to track the job in the workflow, it classifies the jobs into 3 states; Pending, Processing and Finished.
WorkFlowGUI() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.WorkFlowGUI
Class Constructor
workFlowLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.WorkFlowGUI
workFlowScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.WorkFlowGUI
workFlowScrollPane is the container Pane for workFlowTable
workFlowTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.report.WorkFlowGUI
workFlowTable is the table that shows up the workflow report
workingDir - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.ChangingTypeState
workingDir - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.CheckingInState
workingJobsLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.PhaseManagerGUI
workingJobsScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.PhaseManagerGUI
workingJobsTable - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase.PhaseManagerGUI
workstation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.ChangingTypeState
workstation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.CheckingInState
workstation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.DownloadingState
workstation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.FinishingState
workstation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.RedirectingState
workstation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.RejectingState
workstation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.StartingState
workstation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.TransitionInfo
workstation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.job.UploadingState
WorkStation - Class in org.bibalex.daf.entities
WorkStation() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
Class Constructor
WorkStation(int) - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
WorkStation(DataTable) - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
workstation - Static variable in class org.bibalex.daf.reflectioncalls.BackupPhase
workstationID - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive.ArchiverManagerGUI.Archiver
workstationPanel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
workstationsCheckList - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
workstationsLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
workstationsManagerGUI - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.AdminManagerGUI
WorkstationsManagerGUI - Class in org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin
This class manages operations over WorkStation like add, remove, assign devices,...
WorkstationsManagerGUI() - Constructor for class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
This is the default constructor
WorkstationsManagerGUI.UIStates - Enum in org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin
UIStates is enum indicates to the state of the selected row (Add for new , Edit for update)
WorkstationsManagerGUI.UIStates() - Constructor for enum org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI.UIStates
workstationsScrollPane - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.CollectionsManagerGUI
write(String) - Method in class org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler.FileLevelInfoHandler
Writes the set of FileLevelInfo to te given file.
Note: 1) The file is written as an XML file.
WriteFile(String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.installer.FileHandler
writeMetadataFile() - Static method in class org.bibalex.daf.reflectioncalls.BackupPhase
Writes the metadata files of the job.
wrkstAnyPhase - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
wrkstComment - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
wrkstIsActive - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
wrkstLocation - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
wrkstName - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
wrkstWorkingDirectory - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.entities.WorkStation
wsLocationLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
wsLocationLabel shows the text of WS location combo box
wsLocationTextField - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
wsNameTextField is a text field shows the location of selectd WS
wsNameLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
wsNameLabel shows the text of WS name's text field
wsNameTextField - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
wsNameTextField is a text field shows the name of selectd WS
wsOSLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
wsOSLabel shows the text of WS OS combo box
wsWorkDirLabel - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
wsWorkDirLabel shows the text of WS working directory text field
wsWorkDirTextField - Variable in class org.bibalex.daf.managers.admin.WorkstationsManagerGUI
wsNameTextField is a text field shows the working directory of selectd WS

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