
Class Summary
JobExpandedDataReport This JDialog shows up the expanded details of workflow report
JobHistory This class shows Job history, it gets Job ID in class onstructor and select all records of this Job.
JobMetaData This class is a dialog views the job meta data.
JobsDataReport This class used in more than one place in DAFv2.
LatesGUI This class gets late jobs which passed it's due date, and give the admin opportunity to modify the dates if needed.
PendingJobsGUI This calss loads all pending Jobs in DAFv2 which need a confirmation by admin or shift operator.
RateReportGUI This class loads all users and enable the reporter to genearete rate report for selected user(s) during specified dates
ReportBuilder this calss loads DAFv2 components like Job Type, Collection, Language..
ReportData This class gets queries from multiple source and return the result into tabular form
ReportingManagerGUI This class is responsible for the User Interface of the Reporting Module
WorkFlowGUI This class enavle the user to track the job in the workflow, it classifies the jobs into 3 states; Pending, Processing and Finished.