Package org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls

Interface Summary
CheckBoxList.ICheckBoxListActionListener An interface as Action listener to allow the instantiator to detect List events.

Class Summary
CheckBoxList This class is used as a List with Check Boxes (CheckBoxList).
CheckListCellRenderer Renderer Class for the List extends JCheckBoox and Implements the ListCellRenderer Interface
CheckListener MouseListener Class for the CheckBoxList.
DateButton Custom button for entering dates.
DateChooser Custom dialog box to enter dates.
DateChooser.FocusablePanel Custom panel that can receive the focus.
ExternalIDsTable A custom table that extends JTable to display External IDs of a job.
The table consist of 3 columns: 'Type', 'Value' and 'Is Default'.
The table is either editable or not.
FileLevelInfoTable A custom table that extends JTable to display FileLevelInfo.
The table consist primarily of 6 columns: 'Type', 'From', 'To', 'Phase', 'Reason' and 'Comment'.
2 optional columns can be added: 'User' and 'Done' column.
All the cells in the table are editable unless the 'Done' optional column is added.
SortableTable This class represents a Sortable extension of a JTable,
StatusDataDialog Used to view the status data of the job.