Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls |
Fields in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls declared as Job | |
private Job |
Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job |
Fields in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job declared as Job | |
private Job |
private Job |
private Job |
private Job |
private Job |
private Job |
private Job |
private Job |
private Job |
Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job with parameters of type Job | |
ChangingTypeState(Job job,
User user,
WorkStation workstation,
boolean jobInWorkingDir,
int assignJobTypeID,
int assignPhaseID,
int assignUserID,
boolean assign)
Creates a new instance of ChangingTypeState. |
CheckingInState(Job job,
User user,
WorkStation workstation)
Creates a new instance of CheckingInState. |
DownloadingState(Job job,
User user,
WorkStation workstation,
boolean downloadWholeFolder)
Creates a new instance of DownloadingState. |
FinishingState(Job job,
User user,
WorkStation workstation,
boolean fromCommandLine)
Creates a new instance of FinishingState. |
RedirectingState(Job job,
User user,
WorkStation workstation,
int nextUser,
int nextPhase,
java.lang.String comment)
Creates a new instance of RedirectingState. |
RejectingState(Job job,
User user,
WorkStation workstation,
User nextUser,
Phase nextPhase,
java.lang.String comment)
Creates a new instance of RejectingState. |
StartingState(Job job,
User user,
WorkStation workstation)
Creates a new instance of StartingState. |
TransitionInfo(Job job)
Creates a new instacne of TransitionInfo. The user and the workstation are set to the MainController current user and workstation respectively. |
TransitionInfo(Job job,
User user,
WorkStation workstation)
Creates a new instacne of TransitionInfo. |
UploadingState(Job job,
User user,
WorkStation workstation,
boolean uploadWholeFolder)
Creates a new instance of UploadingState. |
Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase |
Fields in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase declared as Job | |
private Job |
The job to which the action is being applied. |
Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase with parameters of type Job | |
void |
Phase.applyActions(ActionContext context,
Job job,
FileHandler handler,
java.lang.String source,
java.lang.String destination)
Applies the pre-phase or post-phase actions as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition. |
void |
Phase.applyPostPhaseActions(Job job,
FileHandler handler,
java.lang.String source,
java.lang.String destination)
Applies the post-phase checks as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition. |
void |
Phase.applyPrePhaseActions(Job job,
FileHandler handler,
java.lang.String source,
java.lang.String destination)
Applies the pre-phase checks as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition. |
private DatabaseInfoDef |
Phase.getLastFinishedDatabaseInfo(Job job)
Gets the phase last finished information. This method logs any error that might occur as warnings. |
private DatabaseInfoDef |
Phase.getStartDatabaseInfo(Job job)
Gets the phase last finished information. This method logs any error that might occur as warnings. |
Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase with parameters of type Job | |
DatabaseAction(Job job,
DatabaseDef definition,
DatabaseInfoDef finishInfo,
DatabaseInfoDef startInfo)
Creates a new instance of DatabaseAction. |
Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler |
Fields in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler declared as Job | |
private Job |
private Job |
Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler with parameters of type Job | |
FileLevelInfoEditor(Job job)
Creates a new instance of FileLevelInfoEditor |
FileLevelInfoViewer(Job job)
Creates a new instance of FileLevelInfoViewer. |
Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive |
Fields in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive declared as Job | |
private Job |
private Job |
job represents the job which all versions belongs to in this dialog |
Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin |
Fields in org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin declared as Job | |
private Job |
private Job |
private Job |
Currently selected Job object. |
Methods in org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin with parameters of type Job | |
private boolean |
RetrievalCommandLine.assignJobTo(Job job,
int jobTypeID,
int phaseID,
int userID)
Assigns and uploads the given Job to the listed phase and user. |
static boolean |
RetrievalManager.assignJobTo(Job job,
int jobTypeID,
int phaseID,
int userID)
Assigns and uploads the given Job to the listed phase and user. |
private boolean |
NewJobGUI.checkInJob_Database(Job job)
Perform the database related steps necessary to check-in the job. |
private boolean |
NewJobGUI.checkInJob_Physically(Job job)
Perform the physically related steps necessary to check-in the job. |
static boolean |
RetrievalManager.checkInJob(Job job,
int phaseID,
int userID)
Moves the records of this job from the OldTransactionLog to the TransactionLog |
private boolean |
RetrievalManager.deCompressJob(Job job,
StatusDef statusDef,
boolean removeExtraFiles)
private StatusDef |
RetrievalCommandLine.initializeBackUpStatusDef(Job job,
int transactionLogID)
Initialized the BackUp Info from the StatusDef object. |
private StatusDef |
RetrievalProgressDialog.RetrievalStarter.initializeBackUpStatusDef(Job job,
int transactionLogID)
Initialized the BackUp Info from the StatusDef object. |
static void |
RetrievalManager.removeJobFromWorkingDirectory(Job job)
Deletes the Imported Job files from the working directory if they exists. |
boolean |
RetrievalManager.retrieve(Job job,
StatusDef statusDef,
boolean removeExtraFiles)
This method completes the retrieval operation |
void |
RetrievalProgressDialog.retrieveJob(IRetrievalPlugin retrievalPlugin,
Job job,
int version,
java.lang.String mediaBarcode,
int transactionLogID,
boolean removeExtraFiles)
Starts the retrieval operation for the plugin |
boolean |
IRetrievalPlugin.retrieveJob(Job job,
int version,
java.lang.String medBarcodeOrOnlineIP,
BackupInfoDef backupInfo,
RetrievalEventNotifier notifier)
When implemented i a class it retrieves the job from the suitable media |
private boolean |
RetrievalCommandLine.retrievePhysicalFiles(IRetrievalPlugin retrievalPlugin,
Job job,
java.lang.String mediaBarcode,
int transactionLogID,
int version)
Retrieves the Physical files of the Job to be retrieved given the Retrival Plugin to be used, into the Working directory |
Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.managers.checkin with parameters of type Job | |
ExternalIDsViewer(Job job)
Creates a new instance of ExternalIDsViewer. |
RetrievalProgressDialog.RetrievalStarter(IRetrievalPlugin retrievalPlugin,
Job job,
int version,
java.lang.String mediaBarcode,
int transactionLogID,
boolean removeExtraFiles)
Creates a new RetrievalStarter. |
Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase |
Fields in org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase declared as Job | |
private Job |
private Job |
Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase with parameters of type Job | |
ChangeJobTypeDialog(Job job)
Creates a new ChangeJobTypeDialog. |
RejectOrRedirectDialog(RejectOrRedirectDialog.DialogType dialogType,
Job currentJob,
boolean showComment)
Constructor |
Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.managers.report |
Fields in org.bibalex.daf.managers.report declared as Job | |
private Job |
Job instance |
private Job |
private Job |
Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.reflectioncalls |
Fields in org.bibalex.daf.reflectioncalls declared as Job | |
private static Job |
Uses of Job in org.bibalex.daf.retrievalplugins |
Methods in org.bibalex.daf.retrievalplugins with parameters of type Job | |
static boolean |
FolderCopy.copyFolder(java.io.File retrieveLocation,
Job job,
RetrievalEventNotifier notifier)
This method copies the job folder from its source to the retrieve location |
private StatusDef |
DriveRetrievalTest.initializeBackUpStatusDef(Job job,
int transactionLogID)
private StatusDef |
FolderRetrievalTest.initializeBackUpStatusDef(Job job,
int transactionLogID)
boolean |
DriveRetrieval.retrieveJob(Job job,
int version,
java.lang.String mediaBarcode,
BackupInfoDef backupInfo,
RetrievalEventNotifier notifier)
When implemented i a class it retrieves the job from the suitable media |
boolean |
FolderRetrieval.retrieveJob(Job job,
int version,
java.lang.String mediaBarcode,
BackupInfoDef backupInfo,
RetrievalEventNotifier notifier)
When implemented i a class it retrieves the job from the suitable media |