Uses of Class

Packages that use FileLevelInfo

Uses of FileLevelInfo in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls declared as FileLevelInfo
private  FileLevelInfo[] FileLevelInfoTable.fillingInfo
          Holds the FileLevelInfo[] that was used to fill this JTable.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls that return types with arguments of type FileLevelInfo
 java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> FileLevelInfoTable.toFileLevelInfoArrayList(Holder<java.lang.Boolean> rowsSkipped)
          Converts the valid rows of the table into an array of FileLevelInfo.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.commongui.controls with parameters of type FileLevelInfo
 void FileLevelInfoTable.fill(FileLevelInfo[] information)
          Fills in the table with the given FileLevelInfo[].

Uses of FileLevelInfo in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job with type parameters of type FileLevelInfo
private  java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> TransitionInfo.nextFileLevelInfo
private  java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> TransitionInfo.todoFileLevelInfo

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job that return types with arguments of type FileLevelInfo
 java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> TransitionInfo.getNextFileLevelInfo()
          Gets the 'Next' FileLevelInfo associated with the last status data of the job.
If the 'Next' FileLevelInfo cannot be obtained an empty ArrayList is returned.
 java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> TransitionInfo.getTodoFileLevelInfo()
          Gets the 'ToDo' FileLevelInfo associated with the last status data of the job.
If the 'ToDo' FileLevelInfo cannot be obtained an emtpy ArrayList is returned.

Method parameters in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job with type arguments of type FileLevelInfo
private  void FinishingState.canFinish_FileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoInfo, java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> nextInfo, int phaseID)
          Determines whether the user can finish the job because of the FileLevelInfo or not
A job cannot be finsihed in the following 2 cases:
1) There exist entries in the 'Next' FileLeveloInfo file.
private  void FinishingState.canFinish_FileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoInfo, java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> nextInfo, int phaseID)
          Determines whether the user can finish the job because of the FileLevelInfo or not
A job cannot be finsihed in the following 2 cases:
1) There exist entries in the 'Next' FileLeveloInfo file.
 void RedirectingState.canRedirect_FileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoInfo, java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> nextInfo, Phase currentPhase, int nextPhaseID)
          Determines whether the job can be redirected to the given phase because of the FileLevelInfo or not.
A Job can be redirected to the given phase, if it satisfies the following conditions:
1) All the ToDo entries that point to this phase are done.
2) The given phase is equal to or less than the minimum phase in the ToDo and Next FileLevelInfo.
 void RedirectingState.canRedirect_FileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoInfo, java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> nextInfo, Phase currentPhase, int nextPhaseID)
          Determines whether the job can be redirected to the given phase because of the FileLevelInfo or not.
A Job can be redirected to the given phase, if it satisfies the following conditions:
1) All the ToDo entries that point to this phase are done.
2) The given phase is equal to or less than the minimum phase in the ToDo and Next FileLevelInfo.
 void RejectingState.canReject_FileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoInfo, java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> nextInfo, Phase currentPhase, int nextPhaseID)
          Determines whether the job can be rejected to the given phase because of FileLevelInfo or not.
 void RejectingState.canReject_FileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoInfo, java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> nextInfo, Phase currentPhase, int nextPhaseID)
          Determines whether the job can be rejected to the given phase because of FileLevelInfo or not.
private  void RedirectingState.updateFileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoFileLevelInfo)
          Updates the FileLevelInfo after finishing the phase.
Entries that point to the this phase will be updated to point to the next phase if it has been revisited before.
private  void FinishingState.updateFileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoFileLevelInfo, Phase currentPhase)
          Updates the FileLevelInfo after finishing the phase.
Entries that point to the this phase will be updated to point to the next phase if it has been revisited before.

Uses of FileLevelInfo in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler with type parameters of type FileLevelInfo
 java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> FileLevelInfoHandler.information
          Holds the elements defined within this section
private  java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> FileLevelInfoEditor.nextInfo
private  java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> FileLevelInfoViewer.nextInfo
private  java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> FileLevelInfoEditor.todoInfo
private  java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> FileLevelInfoViewer.todoInfo

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler that return FileLevelInfo
 FileLevelInfo FileLevelInfoHandler.get(int index)
          Gets the FileLevelInfo at the given entry.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.statusdatahandler with parameters of type FileLevelInfo
 void FileLevelInfoHandler.add(FileLevelInfo info)
          Adds the given to the set of information.
 int o1, FileLevelInfo o2)
          Compares the types of the objects