Uses of Class

Packages that use Phase

Uses of Phase in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job declared as Phase
private  Phase FinishingState.currentPhase
private  Phase RedirectingState.currentPhase
private  Phase RejectingState.nextPhase
private  Phase CheckingInState.phase
private  Phase DownloadingState.phase
private  Phase RejectingState.phase
private  Phase StartingState.phase
private  Phase TransitionInfo.phase
private  Phase UploadingState.phase

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job that return Phase
 Phase Job.getLastPhaseBeforeBackup()
          Gets the last phase before the backup phase.
 Phase Job.getPhase()
          Gets the current phase of the job.
 Phase TransitionInfo.getPhase()
          Gets the current phase of the job.
 Phase Job.getStartingPhase()
          Gets the phase in which the job will strat.
If the job points to an assign entry then the phase in this entry is considered the satrting phase.
If the job doesn't point to an assign entry then the phase next to the phase in this entry is considered the starting phase.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job with parameters of type Phase
 void RedirectingState.canRedirect_FileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoInfo, java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> nextInfo, Phase currentPhase, int nextPhaseID)
          Determines whether the job can be redirected to the given phase because of the FileLevelInfo or not.
A Job can be redirected to the given phase, if it satisfies the following conditions:
1) All the ToDo entries that point to this phase are done.
2) The given phase is equal to or less than the minimum phase in the ToDo and Next FileLevelInfo.
 void RejectingState.canReject_FileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoInfo, java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> nextInfo, Phase currentPhase, int nextPhaseID)
          Determines whether the job can be rejected to the given phase because of FileLevelInfo or not.
 int Job.getMinPhase(int minPhaseID, Phase currentPahse)
          Gets the ID of the phase with the minimum sequence.
 boolean CheckingInState.makeTransition(Phase phase)
          Checks in the job.
This method assumes that the job exists at the machine working directory.
 boolean Job.reject(User user, WorkStation workstation, User nextUser, Phase nextPhase, java.lang.String comment)
          Rejects the job.
 boolean Job.rejectForced(User user, WorkStation workstation, User nextUser, Phase nextPhase, java.lang.String comment)
          Rejects the job by froce.
 void CheckingInState.setPhase(Phase phase)
          Sets the Phase to validate against instead of the default one.
private  void FinishingState.updateFileLevelInfo(java.util.ArrayList<FileLevelInfo> todoFileLevelInfo, Phase currentPhase)
          Updates the FileLevelInfo after finishing the phase.
Entries that point to the this phase will be updated to point to the next phase if it has been revisited before.

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job with parameters of type Phase
RejectingState(Job job, User user, WorkStation workstation, User nextUser, Phase nextPhase, java.lang.String comment)
          Creates a new instance of RejectingState.

Uses of Phase in org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.managers.phase declared as Phase
private  Phase RejectOrRedirectDialog.selectedPhase

Uses of Phase in

Fields in declared as Phase
private  Phase JobExpandedDataReport.phase
private  Phase JobsDataReport.phase
          Phase instance