Uses of Class

Packages that use FileHandler

Uses of FileHandler in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job declared as FileHandler
private  FileHandler ChangingTypeState.ftpHandler
private  FileHandler CheckingInState.ftpHandler
private  FileHandler DownloadingState.ftpHandler
private  FileHandler FinishingState.ftpHandler
private  FileHandler RedirectingState.ftpHandler
private  FileHandler RejectingState.ftpHandler
private  FileHandler StartingState.ftpHandler
private  FileHandler UploadingState.ftpHandler

Uses of FileHandler in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase

Subclasses of FileHandler in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase
 class MockFileHandler
          Copyright (c) 2006-2007 by Bibliotheca Alexandrina This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase declared as FileHandler
private  FileHandler PhysicalAction.handler
          The FileHandler used to create and copy files and folders.
private  FileHandler StepThroughCheckStrategy.handler
          A handler to get information about the folder physically.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase with parameters of type FileHandler
 void Phase.applyActions(ActionContext context, Job job, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Applies the pre-phase or post-phase actions as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition.
 void Phase.applyChecks(ActionContext context, FileHandler fileHandler, java.lang.String jobPath, ActionContext alternateContext, FileHandler alternateHandler, java.lang.String alternatePath)
          Applies pre-phase or post-phase checks as defined in the physical section of the phase definition.
abstract  void CheckStrategy.applyChecks(PhysicalDef physicalDef, java.lang.String jobFolder, FileHandler fileHandler, PhysicalDef alternateDef, java.lang.String alternatePath, FileHandler alternateHandler)
          When overridden in a derived class, it compares the physical folder structure againts the folder defined in the physical section of the phase Xml definition.
Note: The method receives 6 parameters 3 of them are alternate parameters.
The reason behind alternate parameters is to compare PrePhase files with PostPhase files.
 void StepThroughCheckStrategy.applyChecks(PhysicalDef physicalDef, java.lang.String jobPath, FileHandler fileHandler, PhysicalDef alternateDef, java.lang.String alternatePath, FileHandler alternateHandler)
          Compares the folder structure against the given definition.
 void Phase.applyPostPhaseActions(Job job, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Applies the post-phase checks as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition.
 void Phase.applyPostPhaseChecks(java.lang.String localPath, FileHandler ftpHandler, java.lang.String serverPath)
          Applies the post-phase checks as defined in the physical section of the phase definition.
 void Phase.applyPrePhaseActions(Job job, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Applies the pre-phase checks as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition.
 void Phase.applyPrePhaseChecks(java.lang.String serverPath, FileHandler ftpHandler, java.lang.String localPath)
          Applies the pre-phase checks as defined in the physical section of the phase definition.
private  void StepThroughCheckStrategy.countAlternateFiles(PhysicalDef physicalDef, java.lang.String path, FileHandler handler)
          Counts the files mentioned in the PhysicalDef.
private  void StepThroughCheckStrategy.countFiles(FolderElement folder, java.lang.String path, FileHandler handler)
          Count the files within the given folder.
private  boolean PhysicalAction.createFolder(java.lang.String parentFolder, java.lang.String folderName, FileHandler handler)
          Creates the folder at the given parent folder.
 boolean FileElement.downloadFiles(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination, FileHandler handler)
          Download the files that match this definition from the source folder to the destination folder.
 boolean FolderElement.downloadFolder(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination, FileHandler handler)
          Downloads this folder.
 int FolderElement.getFilesCount(java.lang.String folderPath, FileHandler handler)
          Gets the total number of files within the folder recursively.
 int FileElement.getFilesCount(java.lang.String path, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String jobName)
          Gets the number of files within the given folder that match the FileElement.
 int PhysicalDef.getFilesCount(java.lang.String source, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String jobName)
          Counts the numer of files within this PhysicalElement.
Folders and Files whose ToDestination attribute equals true are counted.
 int FileElement.getModifiedFilesCount(java.lang.String path, FileHandler handler, java.util.Date startDate)
          Gets the number of the files, macthing the defintion, modified after startDate within the given folder.
 int FolderElement.getModifiedFilesCount(java.lang.String path, FileHandler handler, java.util.Date startDate)
          Gets the number of the files modified after startDate within the given folder.
 void FolderElement.makeFilesReadOnly(java.lang.String folderPath, FileHandler handler)
          Makes the files within the folder read-only.
 void FileElement.makeReadOnly(java.lang.String path, FileHandler handler)
          Tries to make the given files, matching the definition, read only.
private  int PhysicalDef.manageRoot(FolderElement root, java.lang.String source, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String jobName)
          Counts the number of files in the folder recursively.
 boolean FileElement.uploadFiles(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination, FileHandler handler)
          Upload the files that match this definition from the source folder to the destination folder.
 boolean FolderElement.uploadFolder(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination, FileHandler handler)
          Uploads this folder.

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase with parameters of type FileHandler
PhysicalAction(PhysicalDef definition, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String jobFolder, java.lang.String destination, ActionContext context, java.util.Date startDate)
          Create a new instance of PhysicalAction.

Uses of FileHandler in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler

Subclasses of FileHandler in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler
 class FileHandlerFTPImpl
          Extends FileHandler to provide FTP file handling.
 class FileHandlerLocalImpl
          Extends FileHandler to provide local file handling.

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.filehandler declared as FileHandler
(package private)  FileHandler FileHandlerLocalImplTest.handler