Uses of Class

Packages that use OperationInfo

Uses of OperationInfo in org.bibalex.daf.entities

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities that return OperationInfo
abstract  OperationInfo AdminModuleBase.add()
          add new record
 OperationInfo Batch.add()
          Add new Batch
 OperationInfo Collection.add()
          Add new collection
 OperationInfo JobCondition.add()
          Add new JobCondition
 OperationInfo JobType.add()
          Add new JobType
 OperationInfo Role.add()
          Add new Role
 OperationInfo User.add()
          Add new User
 OperationInfo WorkStation.add()
          Add new WS
static OperationInfo User.DBAuthenticate(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Authenticate Users over DB
abstract  OperationInfo AdminModuleBase.delete()
          delete one record
 OperationInfo Batch.delete()
          delete Batch
 OperationInfo Collection.delete()
          delete collection
 OperationInfo JobCondition.delete()
          delete JobCondition
 OperationInfo JobType.delete()
          delete JobType
 OperationInfo Role.delete()
          delete Role
 OperationInfo User.delete()
          delete User
 OperationInfo WorkStation.delete()
          delete WS
 OperationInfo Collection.deleteCascade()
          delete collection in cascade
 OperationInfo JobType.deleteCascade()
          delete JobType in cascade
 OperationInfo Role.deleteCascade()
          delete Role in cascade
 OperationInfo User.deleteCascade()
          delete User in cascade
 OperationInfo WorkStation.deleteCascade()
          delete WS in cascade
 OperationInfo JobType.deleteMediaTypes(int mediaTypeID)
          delete assigned media type
 OperationInfo JobType.getAllPhases()
          Select all phases related to a JobType
static OperationInfo User.getAnyPhaseUsers()
          select Users can works in any phase
 OperationInfo User.getAssignedJobs()
          get assigned jobs to this user
 OperationInfo WorkStation.getAssignedPhases()
          Get Assigned Phases to this workstation
 OperationInfo WorkStation.getAssignedPhasesSpecial()
 OperationInfo JobType.getAvailablePhases()
          Loads all phases that are available but not in job type sequence
 OperationInfo Collection.getBatches()
          Gets the batches of this collection.
static OperationInfo Batch.getByID(int recID)
          select Batchs
static OperationInfo Collection.getByID(int recID)
          select collection
static OperationInfo InCharge.getByID(int recID)
          select InCharge
static OperationInfo JobCondition.getByID(int recID)
          select JobCondition
static OperationInfo JobType.getByID(int recID)
          select JobType
static OperationInfo Owner.getByID(int recID)
          select Owner
static OperationInfo Project.getByID(int recID)
          select Project
static OperationInfo Role.getByID(int recID)
          select Role
static OperationInfo User.getByID(int recID)
          select User
static OperationInfo WorkStation.getByID(int recID)
          select WS
static OperationInfo User.getByName(java.lang.String userName)
          select User by name
static OperationInfo WorkStation.getByName(java.lang.String workstationName)
          select WS by name
 OperationInfo User.getCollections()
          select User's collections
 OperationInfo WorkStation.getDevices()
          load the devices assigned to workstation
 OperationInfo User.getHistory()
          select Users history
 OperationInfo User.getJobs()
 OperationInfo JobType.getMediaTypes()
          get all media types assigned to job type
 OperationInfo WorkStation.getMediaTypes()
          load the devices assigned to workstation
 OperationInfo JobType.getNotAutoPhases()
          Loads all phases that are not auto
 OperationInfo Role.getPermissions()
          select Role's Permissions
 OperationInfo User.getPermissions()
          select Users Permissions
 OperationInfo JobType.getPhases()
          Loads all phases
 OperationInfo User.getPhases()
          select User's phases
 OperationInfo User.getPhasesSpecial()
 OperationInfo User.getRates(int jobType, int[] usersIDs, java.util.Date fromDate, java.util.Date toDate, int booksLevel)
 OperationInfo User.getRatesAllJobs(int jobType, int userID, java.util.Date fromDate, java.util.Date toDate)
          Return the user rates for all jobs done by the user in all phases
 OperationInfo User.getRatesRedoJobs(int jobType, int userID, java.util.Date fromDate, java.util.Date toDate)
          Return number of jobs that is re-done(the user did this job before) by the user in each phase
 OperationInfo JobType.getRateTableSchema()
 OperationInfo User.getRole()
          Gets the roles associated with the user.
 OperationInfo JobType.getSeqPhases()
          Loads all phases taht have sequence
 OperationInfo User.getStartedJobs()
          Load All started jobs for User
 OperationInfo User.getUserRateJobs(int jobType, int phaseID, java.util.Date fromDate, java.util.Date toDate, int booksLevel)
 OperationInfo Collection.getUsers()
          select collection's Users
 OperationInfo Collection.getWorkStations()
          select collection's WorkStations
 OperationInfo User.hasAdminAccess()
          check if user has a admin access
 OperationInfo User.hasArchiveAccess()
          check if user has a Archive access
 OperationInfo User.hasCheckInAccess()
          check if user has a CheckIn access
static OperationInfo User.hasPermission(int userID, int permissionID)
          check if user has a specific permission
static OperationInfo User.hasPermissionString(int userID, java.lang.String permission)
          check if user has a specific permission
 OperationInfo User.hasPhaseManagerAccess()
          check if user has a Phase Manager access
 OperationInfo User.hasReportAccess()
          check if user has a Report access
static OperationInfo Batch.loadAll()
          Load all Batches
static OperationInfo Collection.loadAll()
          Load all collections
static OperationInfo InCharge.loadAll()
          Load all InCharges
static OperationInfo JobCondition.loadAll()
          Load all JobConditions
static OperationInfo JobType.loadAll()
          Load all JobType
static OperationInfo Owner.loadAll()
          Load all Owners
static OperationInfo Project.loadAll()
          Load all Projects
static OperationInfo Role.loadAll()
          Load all Roles
static OperationInfo User.loadAll()
          Load all Users
static OperationInfo WorkStation.loadAll()
          Load all WS
static OperationInfo User.loadAllActive()
          Load Active Users
static OperationInfo WorkStation.loadAllDevices()
static OperationInfo User.loadAllGUI()
          Load Users for GUI
static OperationInfo WorkStation.loadAllGUI()
          Load all WS for GUI
static OperationInfo Batch.loadAllSpecial()
          Load all Batches
static OperationInfo User.NameDBAuthenticate(java.lang.String userName)
          Authenticate Users over DB using UserName
abstract  OperationInfo AdminModuleBase.update()
          update one record
 OperationInfo Batch.update()
          update Batch
 OperationInfo Collection.update()
          update collection
 OperationInfo JobCondition.update()
          update JobCondition
 OperationInfo JobType.update()
          update JobType
 OperationInfo Role.update()
          update Role
 OperationInfo User.update()
          update User
 OperationInfo WorkStation.update()
          update WS
 OperationInfo WorkStation.updateDevices(java.lang.Object[] devicesIDs)
 OperationInfo JobType.updateMediaTypes(int mediaTypeID)
          update assigned media types
 OperationInfo JobType.updateMediaTypes(java.lang.Object[] MTIDs)
          Update Media Types assigned to jobtype
 OperationInfo WorkStation.updateMediaTypes(java.lang.Object[] MTIDs)
          Update Media Types assigned to workstation
 OperationInfo Role.updatePermissions(java.lang.Object[] permissionIDs)
          Updates the permissions related to this role.
 OperationInfo User.updatePhases(java.lang.Object[] phasesIDs)
          Updates current User allowed phases.
 OperationInfo WorkStation.updatePhases(java.lang.Object[] phasesIDs)
          Updates the assigned phases for the current Workstation.
 OperationInfo JobType.updatePhasesSeq(java.lang.Object[] phasesIDs)
 OperationInfo Collection.updateUsers(java.lang.Object[] usersIDs)
          Updates the Users assigned to Work with this Collection (allowed Users).
 OperationInfo Collection.updateWorkStations(java.lang.Object[] wsIDs)
          Updates the Workstations assigned to Work with this Collection (allowed Workstations).
 OperationInfo WorkStation.validateMediaType(int MediaTypeID)
          Validate if media type can be used on selected WS or not

Uses of OperationInfo in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job that return OperationInfo
 OperationInfo Job.add()
          Adds this instance to the Job table.
 OperationInfo Job.addMedia(int mediaType, int mediaID, int TLID)
          Add the job to Job_Media table
 OperationInfo Job.addWithID()
          Adds this instance to the Job table With a given ID.
 OperationInfo Job.assign(int user, int phase, java.lang.String comment)
          Assign the specified phase for this Job to the given User.
 OperationInfo Job.assignFromScratch(int user, int phase, java.lang.String comment)
          Assign the job from scratch.
private  OperationInfo Job.assignInDatabase(java.lang.String spName, int user, int phase, java.lang.String comment, boolean ignorePropagationErrors)
          Assign the job.
 OperationInfo Job.assignRestricetd(int user, int phase)
          Assign the specified phase for this Job to the given User.
static OperationInfo Job.checkIn(int jobID)
          Move the job history from OldTransactionLog to TransactionLog.
 OperationInfo Job.checkNonConfirmedMedias()
          Check if the job medias are all confirmed to delete or not
static OperationInfo Job.checkOut(int jobID, int userID, int wsID, java.lang.String comment)
          Move the job history from TransactionLog to OldTransactionLog.
static OperationInfo Job.checkOutRollback(int jobID)
          Roll back job check out.
 OperationInfo Job.delete()
          Deletes this instance from the Job table.
 OperationInfo Job.deleteCascade()
          Deletes this instance (Cascaded).
 OperationInfo Job.downloadInDatabase(int phaseID, int noOfFiles)
          Sets the job state to download in the database.
 OperationInfo Job.finishInDatabase(int userID, int workstationID, int noOfFiles, java.lang.String statusData)
          Sets the job state to finish in the database.
 OperationInfo Job.getAllPhasesWithUsers()
          Gets All Phases for this Job, and the Last User on This Phase if there exists one.
static OperationInfo Job.getArchivedAndActiveJobs()
          Get the medias that the job has been saved on
 OperationInfo Job.getArchivingMatrix()
          Get the archiving history matrix
static OperationInfo Job.getByID(int jobID)
          Gets the job specified by the ID.
 OperationInfo Job.getDoneJobs(int MediaTypeID)
          Gets jobs that are finished and ready to archive.
 OperationInfo Job.getDoneJobs(int MediaTypeID, java.lang.String jobCount)
          Gets jobs that are finished and ready to archive (with limit = jobCount).
 OperationInfo Job.getExpandedWorkFlowJobs(int jobType, int collID, int batchID)
          Gets the Expanded System WorkFlow.
 OperationInfo Job.getJobHistory()
          Gets the job history.
 OperationInfo Job.getLastData()
          Gets the last data, the TransactionLog row to which the job points, of the job.
 OperationInfo Job.getLastFinishedInfo()
          Gets the TransactionLog entry that corresponds to the last finished status of the job.
 OperationInfo Job.getLastFinishedInfoForPhase(int phaseID)
          Gets the last finished information for the given phase.
 OperationInfo Job.getLateJobs()
          Gets the Late job.
 OperationInfo Job.getMedias()
          Get the medias that the job has been saved on
 OperationInfo Job.getMediaTypes()
          Get the media types which the current job should be archived on
 OperationInfo Job.getPendingJobs()
          Gets the pending job.
 OperationInfo Job.getRedirectedJobs()
          Gets the rejected job.
 OperationInfo Job.getRejectedJobs()
          Gets the rejected jobs.
 OperationInfo Job.getWorkFlowJobs(int jobType, int collID, int batchID)
          Gets the System WorkFlow.
 OperationInfo Job.getZips(int jobVersion)
          Gets the zipped folders in a specific backed up bersion
static OperationInfo Job.loadAll()
          Loads all the entries form the Job table.
 OperationInfo Job.preAssign(int user, int phase)
          Pre-Assign the specified phase for this Job to the given User.
 OperationInfo Job.redirectInDatabase(int userID, int phaseID, int noOfFiles, int workstationID, int nextUserID, int nextPhaseID, java.lang.String finishStatusData, java.lang.String redirectStatusData, java.lang.String assignStatusData)
          Sets the job state to redirect in the database.
The stored procedure does the following:
1) Adds a finish entry for the job.
2) Adds the redirect entry for the job.
3) Adds an assign entry if the job has the right to do so.
 OperationInfo Job.rejectInDatabase(int nextPhaseID, int nextUserID, int workstationID, int noOfFiles, java.lang.String rejectStatusData, java.lang.String assignStatusData, boolean forced)
          Sets the job state to reject in the database.
The stored procedure does the following:
1) Adds the reject entry for the job.
2) Adds an assign entry if the job has the right to do so.
 OperationInfo Job.startInDatabase(int userID, int phaseID, int workstationID, java.lang.String statusData)
          Sets the job state to start in the database.
 OperationInfo Job.update()
          Updates this instance in the Job table.
 OperationInfo Job.uploadInDatabase(int phaseID, int noOfFiles)
          Sets the job state to upload in the database.
static OperationInfo Job.validateUserWSPhase(int jobID, int userID, int wsID, int phaseID)
          Validate the combination job, user, WS and phase.

Uses of OperationInfo in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase that return OperationInfo
 OperationInfo Phase.add()
          Adds this instance to the Phase table.
 OperationInfo Phase.delete()
          Deletes this instance from the Phase table.
 OperationInfo Phase.deleteCascade()
          Deletes this instance from the Phase table.
 OperationInfo Phase.getAllUsers()
          Gets all the users who can work in this phase.
static OperationInfo Phase.getByID(int phaseID, int jobTypeID)
          Gets the phase specified by the phaseID and jobTypeID.
static OperationInfo Phase.getByName(java.lang.String phaseName)
          Gets the phase with the given name.
 OperationInfo Phase.getFinishedJobs(int collID, int batchID)
          Gets finished jobs for this phase.
 OperationInfo Phase.getFinishedJobsMoreThanOnce(int collID, int batchID)
          Gets finished jobs for this phase more than one time.
 OperationInfo Phase.getFinishedJobsOnce(int collID, int batchID)
          Gets finished jobs for this phase one time.
 OperationInfo Phase.getNextPhase()
          Gets next phase of the current one
 OperationInfo Phase.getPendingJobs(int collID, int batchID)
          Gets pending jobs for this phase.
 OperationInfo Phase.getPendingJobsMoreThanOnce(int collID, int batchID)
          Gets the jobs pending in this phase more than one time.
 OperationInfo Phase.getPendingJobsOnce(int collID, int batchID)
          Gets the jobs pending in this phase for one time.
 OperationInfo Phase.getProcessingJobs(int collID, int batchID)
          Gets the jobs that are in this phase.
 OperationInfo Phase.getProcessingJobsMoreThanOnce(int collID, int batchID)
          Gets the jobs that are in this phase more than one time.
 OperationInfo Phase.getProcessingJobsOnce(int collID, int batchID)
          Gets the jobs that are in this phase one time.
static OperationInfo Phase.loadAll()
          Loads all the entries form the Phase table.
static OperationInfo Phase.loadSpecial()
          Gets all the Phases
 OperationInfo Phase.update()
          Updates this instance in the Phase table.

Uses of OperationInfo in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler that return OperationInfo
 OperationInfo DBConnection.executeNonQuery(java.lang.String query)
          Executes the specified query and gets the number of rows affected.
 OperationInfo DBConnection.executeProcedure(java.lang.String procName, java.util.ArrayList procArguments)
          Executes the given stored procedure.
 OperationInfo DBConnection.executeReader(java.lang.String query)
          Executes the specified query and returns a DataTable representing the ResultSet.
static OperationInfo DBConnection.executeScalar(java.lang.String query)
          Executes the specified query and returns the first column of the first row of the ResultSet.

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.handlers.dbhandler with parameters of type OperationInfo
OperationInfo(OperationInfo toCopy)
          A copy constructor.

Uses of OperationInfo in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.managers.archive declared as OperationInfo
(package private)  OperationInfo ArchiverManagerGUI.Archiver.opInfo