Uses of Class

Packages that use FolderElement

Uses of FolderElement in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.job with parameters of type FolderElement
private  int DownloadingState.similarFolderIndex(FolderElement[] folders, FolderElement folder)
          Determines whether the given folder matches a folder in the given array or not.
A folder is said to be similar to another folder if the "Name" and "NewName" attributes are the same.
private  int DownloadingState.similarFolderIndex(FolderElement[] folders, FolderElement folder)
          Determines whether the given folder matches a folder in the given array or not.
A folder is said to be similar to another folder if the "Name" and "NewName" attributes are the same.

Uses of FolderElement in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase that return FolderElement
 FolderElement[] FolderElement.getSubFolders()
          Gets the folders defined within this FolderElement.
 FolderElement[] PhysicalDef.getSubFolders()
          Gets the folders defined within this PhaseDef.
private  FolderElement[] StepThroughCheckStrategy.getTestFolders(FolderElement[] folders)
          Gets the folders that will have their structure tested, that is folders with 'Create' attribute set to false.
 FolderElement PhysicalDef.toFolderElement()
          Converts this instance into FoldeElement instance.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase with parameters of type FolderElement
private  void StepThroughCheckStrategy.checkFilesExist(FolderElement folder, java.lang.String path)
          Checks that each file type defined within the given FolderElement has a corresponding physical files.
private  void StepThroughCheckStrategy.checkFoldersExist(FolderElement folder, java.lang.String path)
          Checks that each folder defined within the given FolderElement has a corresponding physical folder.
private  void StepThroughCheckStrategy.checkFolderStructure(FolderElement folder, java.lang.String folderPath)
          Makes sure that folder structure conforms to the defintion.
private  void StepThroughCheckStrategy.checkNoMoreFilesExist(FolderElement folder, java.lang.String path, NameCountCompareTriple[] files)
          For a 'Restricted' mode folder, this method makes sure that no extra file types exists except for those specified in the definition.
private  void StepThroughCheckStrategy.checkNoMoreFoldersExist(FolderElement folder, java.lang.String path)
          For a 'Restricted' mode folder, this method makes sure that no extra folders exists except for those specified in the definition.
private  boolean PhysicalAction.copyFolder(java.lang.String source, FolderElement folder, java.lang.String destination)
          Creates the folder then uploads or downloads it.
private  void StepThroughCheckStrategy.countFiles(FolderElement folder, java.lang.String path, FileHandler handler)
          Count the files within the given folder.
private  FolderElement[] StepThroughCheckStrategy.getTestFolders(FolderElement[] folders)
          Gets the folders that will have their structure tested, that is folders with 'Create' attribute set to false.
private  void PhysicalAction.manageFolder(FolderElement folder, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Applies the action to the given folder.
private  int PhysicalDef.manageRoot(FolderElement root, java.lang.String source, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String jobName)
          Counts the number of files in the folder recursively.
private  void PhysicalAction.manageRoot(FolderElement root, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Manages the root separately because it is a special case.
private  void PhysicalDefTest.resetFolder(FolderElement folder)
          Resets the given folder recursively.
private  void FolderElementTest.resetFolder(FolderElement folder)
          Resets the given folder recursively.