Interface ICheckInPlugIn

public interface ICheckInPlugIn

The interface to be implemeneted in order to be recognized by the Check-In module.


Method Summary
 boolean collect(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String type)
          When implemented in a class, allows the plug in to collect information of the job.
 java.lang.String getCollection()
          When implemented in a class, it returns the collection selected by the user
 java.lang.String getCreator()
          When implemented in a class, gets the creator of the job.
 java.util.Date getDate()
          When implemented in a class, gets the date of the job.
 java.lang.String getInfo1()
          When implemented in a class, gets the info1 of the job.
 java.lang.String getInfo2()
          When implemented in a class, gets the info2 of the job.
 java.lang.String getInfo3()
          When implemented in a class, gets the info3 of the job.
 java.lang.String getJobType()
          When implemented in a class, it returns the job type selected by the user
 java.lang.String getLanguage()
          When implemented in a class, gets the language of the job.
 java.lang.String getLob()
          When implemented in a class, gets the identifying lob of the job.
 java.lang.String getPlugInName()
          Gets the name of the Plug-In.
 java.lang.String getRecordID()
          When implemented in a class, gets the ID of the selected record, mainly used with the search feature.
 java.lang.String getTitle()
          When implemented in a class, gets the title of the job.
 java.lang.String getTypeIDPairs()
          When implemented in a class, gets the types and the IDs of the job.
The returned string is expected to be on the from type1=value1;type2=value2; and so on.
No character stuffing is assumed since the IDs neither have '=' or ';'.
 boolean search(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String type)
          When implemented in a class, shows some search facility for this plugin, this method is expected to be Modal (block).
 boolean supportSearch()
          When implemented in a class, indicates whether this plug-in supports search or not.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getPlugInName()
Gets the name of the Plug-In.

The name of the Plug-In.


boolean collect(java.lang.String id,
                java.lang.String type)
When implemented in a class, allows the plug in to collect information of the job. This method should be implemented as a Blocking method.

id - The ID of the job to collect its information.
type - The type of the ID of the job.
True if the record to search for was found otherwise false.


java.lang.String getTitle()
When implemented in a class, gets the title of the job.

The title of the job.


java.lang.String getCreator()
When implemented in a class, gets the creator of the job.

The creator of the job.


java.lang.String getLanguage()
When implemented in a class, gets the language of the job.

The language of the job.


java.lang.String getInfo1()
When implemented in a class, gets the info1 of the job.

The info1 of the job.


java.lang.String getInfo2()
When implemented in a class, gets the info2 of the job.

The info2 of the job.


java.lang.String getInfo3()
When implemented in a class, gets the info3 of the job.

The info3 of the job.


java.lang.String getLob()
When implemented in a class, gets the identifying lob of the job.

The identifying lob of the job.


java.util.Date getDate()
When implemented in a class, gets the date of the job.

The date of the job.


java.lang.String getTypeIDPairs()
When implemented in a class, gets the types and the IDs of the job.
The returned string is expected to be on the from type1=value1;type2=value2; and so on.
No character stuffing is assumed since the IDs neither have '=' or ';'.

A semicolon separated list of IDs on the form type1=value1;type2=value2; and so on.
The ID we are using in collecting is added to the result.
If there are no IDs of the job return an empty String.


boolean supportSearch()
When implemented in a class, indicates whether this plug-in supports search or not.

true in case it supports search, false otherwise.


java.lang.String getRecordID()
When implemented in a class, gets the ID of the selected record, mainly used with the search feature. Note: not necessarly implemented in case there is no searching feature in this plugin.

the record ID for the current collected Item.


boolean search(java.lang.String id,
               java.lang.String type)
When implemented in a class, shows some search facility for this plugin, this method is expected to be Modal (block). Note: in case the plug-in does not support search, an empty implemetation is expected.

id - the ID sent to be used in the search. (could be ignored by the plugin)
type - the external ID type to use in the search. (could be ignored by the plugin)
true if an item is selected, false otherwise.


java.lang.String getCollection()
When implemented in a class, it returns the collection selected by the user

the collection selected by the user


java.lang.String getJobType()
When implemented in a class, it returns the job type selected by the user

the job type selected by the user