Uses of Class

Packages that use PhysicalDef

Uses of PhysicalDef in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase

Fields in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase declared as PhysicalDef
private  PhysicalDef PhysicalAction.definition
          Holds the PhysicalDef that will be used when applying the action.
 PhysicalDef SemiPhaseDef.physical
          Holds the physical definition section of the phase.

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase with parameters of type PhysicalDef
abstract  void CheckStrategy.applyChecks(PhysicalDef physicalDef, java.lang.String jobFolder, FileHandler fileHandler, PhysicalDef alternateDef, java.lang.String alternatePath, FileHandler alternateHandler)
          When overridden in a derived class, it compares the physical folder structure againts the folder defined in the physical section of the phase Xml definition.
Note: The method receives 6 parameters 3 of them are alternate parameters.
The reason behind alternate parameters is to compare PrePhase files with PostPhase files.
 void StepThroughCheckStrategy.applyChecks(PhysicalDef physicalDef, java.lang.String jobPath, FileHandler fileHandler, PhysicalDef alternateDef, java.lang.String alternatePath, FileHandler alternateHandler)
          Compares the folder structure against the given definition.
private  void StepThroughCheckStrategy.countAlternateFiles(PhysicalDef physicalDef, java.lang.String path, FileHandler handler)
          Counts the files mentioned in the PhysicalDef.

Constructors in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase with parameters of type PhysicalDef
PhysicalAction(PhysicalDef definition, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String jobFolder, java.lang.String destination, ActionContext context, java.util.Date startDate)
          Create a new instance of PhysicalAction.