Uses of Class

Packages that use PhaseActionException

Uses of PhaseActionException in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.entities.phase that throw PhaseActionException
 void MockPhaseAction_1.applyAction()
 void MockPhaseAction.applyAction()
 void DatabaseAction.applyAction()
          Applies the action.
abstract  void PhaseAction.applyAction()
          When overridden in a derived class, applies the action associated with phase.
 void PhysicalAction.applyAction()
          Applies the action.
 void ReflectionAction.applyAction()
          Applies the action.
The action is calling a static method with a single int parameter.
 void Phase.applyActions(ActionContext context, Job job, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Applies the pre-phase or post-phase actions as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition.
 void Phase.applyPostPhaseActions(Job job, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Applies the post-phase checks as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition.
 void Phase.applyPrePhaseActions(Job job, FileHandler handler, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Applies the pre-phase checks as defined in the physical, reflection and database sections of the phase definition.
 void DatabaseDataEntryDialog.collect()
          Allows collecting the user input by showing the Dialog modally.
 void IDatabaseDataEntry.collect()
          When overridden in an implementing class, starts collecting user data.
This method can wrap showing a modal dialog or other types of swing components.
Note to implementors: This method should be a blocking method not to make the code continue while the user is supplying the data.
private  void PhysicalAction.manageFolder(FolderElement folder, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Applies the action to the given folder.
private  void PhysicalAction.manageRoot(FolderElement root, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String destination)
          Manages the root separately because it is a special case.
 void PhaseActionPerformer.performActions()
          Performs the actions taking the policy into consideration.
 void PhysicalActionTest.testApplyAction_1()
 void ReflectionActionTest.testApplyAction()
 void PhysicalActionTest.testApplyAction()
 void Phase_Scan_Test.testPause()
 void Phase_Process_Test.testPause()
 void Phase_Ocr_Test.testPause()
 void PhaseActionPerformerTest.testPerformActions()

Uses of PhaseActionException in org.bibalex.daf.reflectioncalls

Methods in org.bibalex.daf.reflectioncalls that throw PhaseActionException
static void BackupPhase.applyBackupActions(int jobID)
          Applies the actions associated with the backup phase.
The backup phase responsibility is to do the following:
1) Copy the entire job folder form the production server to the working directory.
2) Create metadata files for the job.
3) Zip each folder and calculate the size of the job.
4) Calculate the version of the job = number of backup entries in the TransactionLog table.
5) Copy the job to the backup server.
static void BackupPhase.applyQuickBackupActions(int jobID)
          Applies the actions associated with the backup phase.
The backup phase responsibility is to do the following:
1) Copy the entire job folder form the production server to the working directory.
2) Create metadata files for the job.
3) Zip each folder and calculate the size of the job.
4) Calculate the version of the job = number of backup entries in the TransactionLog table.
5) Copy the job to the backup server.